How to Become Self-Employed

The Five Super-Simple Steps to Becoming
Your Own Damned Boss

You’ve fantasized about it forever. And every day at your soul-crushing job only makes you want it more. Hell, you’re willing to do whatever it takes to become self-employed. You just have one teeny-tiny, mini-baby little question.

How in the hell can you actually make your dream come true?

Well, you’ve clicked on the right link, my friend. For it contains the five simple steps required to achieve your vision of self-employment.

They’re not complicated – nor beyond your capabilities. And I’ll let you in on a little secret before you get started…

You can totally do this.

Yep. You absolutely can. I can’t promise that it will be easy. But I can guarantee that it will be worth it.

And now that you know you CAN do it, there’s no point in waiting. As has been said, the best time to plant a tree was five years ago. The second best time?

Is today.

So whadda ya say? Let’s dive in.

Simple Step #1 - Change Your Damned Mindset

Now, this might seem like a small thing. But it’s actually the most important step of all.

Because it’s going to fundamentally alter how you perceive EVERYTHING. Yourself, your skills, your career – your entire world.

And you can commence with that fundamental alteration right now. You clicked on this article because you wanted to become self-employed. Well here’s a spoiler alert:

You already are…

Now, at present, you see yourself as some pathetic grunt employee lucky to draw a measly paycheck from some stern-faced employer.

But the truth is, you are a living, breathing and fully operational self-employed entity. And you’ve been one throughout your entire career.

In fact, we all are today. And we’ve been so throughout the modern economy in which we work. You may not have realized this before.

But you do now – don’t you?

That’s right. Like any standalone businesses, we sell our services to the highest bidders without any guarantees, trading our talents and precious hours on Earth for cold hard cash. With the full expectation on both sides that this relationship will not last one second longer than it suits either party.

Your employer could can you in a heartbeat. And you can quit without notice.

So, in other words, you already are your own little solo business. Who has just one employee. Who serves just one giant customer. You’ve been mistakenly thinking of that customer as your employer. When they are, in fact, your first client.

And the springboard to your dream of self-employment.

You may want to stop and take in the full awesomeness of this reality. For once you do, something amazing will happen. You will begin to see opportunities. EVERYWHERE.

Opportunities that will provide you with the unprecedented ability to create the life you want to live. In fact, I believe we are all living smack in the middle of The Greatest Opportunity in Human History.

And once you realize the truths of this new era, it won’t be long until you realize something else…

Including, of course, your dreams of self-employment.

But be forewarned. Because now that you’ve changed your mindset, you’re about to be accosted by an endless stream of people hell-bent on getting you to change it back. Who are going to do their damndest to try talk you out of your dream.

They’ll arrive more than happy to scoff at you, sneer at your plans and assure you you’ll never succeed. And that they’ll be there to laugh at you when you inevitably fail.

Go ahead and let ‘em. Say nothing as they dismiss self-employment as too much work, too much risk – and too far out of their own personal comfort zones.

But don’t let them stop you. For while it may be true you can’t guarantee you will succeed, you can absolutely guarantee something else.

You sure as hell won’t if you listen to them and never try.

But I digress. Because it is time to continue your march towards freedom. And now that you’ve changed your mindset, you can move on to the next step, which is…

Simple Step #2 – Determine What You Want to Offer

You now know your entire frickin’ WORLD is overflowing with opportunity.

This is insanely great news. Because it means your options for self-employment are virtually unlimited. It’s just a matter of deciding what you want to offer – and then finding clients willing to pay.

Your personal version of self-employment can be anything you like. You could choose to launch and head a massive VC-backed firm. Or be a stay-at-home parent with a side hustle that helps pay the bills. Or a full-on Financially Independent, Retiring Early digital nomad with the ability live anywhere you damned well please.

And the coolest part is, for perhaps the first damned time in your entire life:

The total global economy is currently worth 141.86 trillion dollars. That’s one rather sizable crapload of opportunity. And you only need to lay claim to a tiny little portion of that to make a decent living for yourself.

There’s literally no limit to the number of opportunities available to you in the world today because…

Lindsey is indeed correct. For the limit does not exist.

Long story short, there are countless cash-generating operations you can create for zero bucks out of thin air – using no more than your experience, connections and imagination.

In fact, a seriously abbreviated list of these opportunities includes (takes a deeeep breath)…

1. Offering your professional skills on a freelance basis!

Now, this sort of craziness used to limited to people like freelance writers, designers or coders. Ah, but no more.

Today’s remote-working businesses will outsource any need to a freelancer, consultant or contractor.

This includes everyone from customer service reps, to accountants, recruiters, marketers, janitors and more. That’s right, I said janitors. Because why the hell not? Everyone can cash in.

2. Creating a Personal Consulting, Coaching or Training Business!

Your mad skills are in serious demand. So why limit yourself to just one big client? People like you can truly change people’s lives – and the world. So offer your services. Your clients’ success will be yours, too

3. Starting a Professional Services Agency!

The unlimited reach of the web lets you find clients and talent anywhere – enabling you to profit enormously regardless of your size. There were 41,666 one-person, one-million dollar businesses in 2018. Perhaps you’d like to make that 41,667.

4. Drop-Shipping FTW!

Negotiate a low wholesale price, master the shipping, storage and delivery logistics – and then sell it for a higher retail price. You might never even see the product you’re selling. But do it right – and you sure as hell will see the profits.

5. Launching Your Own Small, Mid-Size or totally Massive eCommerce store!

They’re easier to start and grow than ever before. They can be created in days for little more than pocket change – but can keep producing recurring income forever.

6. Becoming a social media content creator-slash-personality-slash-influencer!

Think it’s not economically viable? Better think again. Over 2 MILLION creators are now making over 6 figures on YouTube, Instagram & Twitch. The question isn’t “why them?” It’s “why not you?”

7. Trying a side-hustle or three to experiment with self-employment!

From Uber to Task Rabbit to Door Dash – to so much more, these bad boys exist everywhere. They can deliver multiple revenue streams – which you could then grow until you are earning enough to quit your day job.

8. Selling your own creations on Etsy, eBook, Amazon!

Or any other of dozens of other sites around the web. Millions around the world would love to buy your personal creations. Make, take a pic, upload – then cash in.

9. Create an entirely new product or service!

Oh, and BTW – the best way to create a great new product? Identify a gnarly problem. Then go create the perfect solution. Boom.

10. Start a business based on Some Crazy-Assed Idea That No One Has Ever Thought of Before and Will Never Work in a Ba-Jillion Years…and Yet, Somehow Does.

Don’t believe me? Think of Amazon. I’m quite confident most felt their basic idea was full-on cray-cray when they started way back in 1994. I’m guessing fewer feel that way now.  So if an idea you totally believe in just won’t leave you alone, don’t be afraid to run with it.


Phew! Now, that may seem like a big list. But it is literally only scratching the outer enamel of the surface of your possibilities. There are many, many, MANY more.

Hell, in the time it took you to read this, countless new and unexpected opportunities have been born.

I could keep going – but then, my server can only host a couple terabytes of data. And besides, I think you get the point.

And while all of these possibilities are cool, I’ll be the first to admit it. Starting a new venture can seem like you’re playing the lottery. Yes, it’s a risk. But never forget.

You could win.

There’s nothing wrong with playing the lottery. In fact, people have formed entire companies solely dedicated to playing legal lotteries in hopes of hitting a massive jackpot.

That may sound nuts. But think about it. Is it really all that different than your average venture capitalist? Or record company? Or movie studio? Yes, they have experts vetting the process. But they are all looking for that one magical, unicorny lottery ticket that will more than cover the costs of all their other gambles.

Long story short, you have an almost infinite number of options, baby. And you alone get to decide which ones you want to pursue, what kind of life you want to create – and why.

And once you decide exactly WHAT you want to offer, the next step is to figure out TO WHOM you want to sell it.

Which brings us to…

Simple Step #3 - Identify Your Target Audience

Now, doubtless your offerings will be so awesome that they’ll practically sell themselves. Unfortunately, they can’t actually buy themselves. For that, you’ll need paying customers.

How to Identify Your Target Audience

Your target audience will be entirely determined by your offerings. As in – who exactly would want to buy your stuff? And not just in general terms, but down to the level where you can construct a categorially comprehensive portrait of that individual.

Businesses do this all the time. It’s called a “customer persona.” And that persona should include everything about your target. Their age, gender, company role, family status and more. You want to capture it all.

And then go deeper.

Get to Know Them like The Back of Your Hand

Above all – you must know what your audience truly desires.

Because the single most important question your business must ask is “What’s In It For Me?” from your audience’s unapologetically self-interested point of view.

Knowing exactly what’s in it for your audience will help determine how you design and position your offering. This means you must identify your audience’s specific wants, pain points and challenges.

For this reason, can be helpful to choose a target audience you already know. These would include audiences you’ve served before in a professional or private capacity as an individual or as part of a previous company.

And Who Just Might Be Your Best Target Audience of All? That Would Be YOU.

That’s right. Because if YOU are the target audience, then you will already have tremendous insights into your own needs and pain points. The same frustrations you personally experience as a customer are the ones you can solve with your offering.

My client 3PL Central is a great example. They desperately needed a software solution to manage the unique needs of their public warehouse. But no one offered anything even remotely close on market. So they built their own.

Their solution addressed all of their problems perfectly. They realized their software could also solve these same problems for EVERYONE ELSE in their industry. So they began to sell it as a product to their competitors.

Their personal knowledge of their own industry’s problems enabled them to create a new software company that is about 20 times larger – and far more profitable – than their original firm.

Even better, it has given them a great brand story.

They now have multiple competitors trying to sell similar products to their fellow 3PLs. But 3PL Central is the only firm who can claim legit experience as a 3PL.

And to this day, this continues to give them invaluable street cred with their prospects. Enabling them to form unshakable bonds with customers that have lasted in some cases for decades.

And if your brand story resonates with your target audience, they’ll never get tired of hearing it.

Oh and one more thing. Size DOES Matter. Just Not How You Might Think.

Contrary to what you may have heard from the kids on the streets – size doesn’t always matter. Well, I mean, at least when it comes to target audiences.

Many startups feel their target audience has to be huge in order for it to be profitable. And indeed, this is usually the first question most Venture Capitalists ask when you approach them.

But instead of choosing a huge target audience, you would do well to focus on a smaller – but sharply defined – audience.

Now, you may not think such tiny niche will be big enough. But there’s a good chance that you’re wrong. It’s usually better to have a customer base who absolutely loves – and happily buys – everything you create.

There are millions of people who need your services all over the world – and the Internet can help you find, isolate and then gain instant access to them.

Smaller audiences produce tighter, more cohesive – and often more loyal – tribes. Providing the solutions they want – in the languages they speak – can help you build insanely profitable businesses.

So don’t be afraid to bet big on a small slice of any market.

As has been said, the riches are in the niches. Which I have found to be completely true. And yes, we will be awarding that cliché with extra bonus points because it rhymes.

Simple Step #4 - Create Your Marketing Plan

Okie doke, smoke. You’ve identified your target audience and learned every damned thing about them. Now you can use that knowledge to create ways to connect with these folks.

That’s right – it’s time to build your marketing plan.

How to Create Your Marketing Plan

Now you’ll need to say the right things and offer the insanely great solutions your prospects can live without, of course. But none of that will do any good if they never hear your pitch. So you need to determine where the hell they live.

Today’s splintered media universe can make that task seem impossible. But answering the following questions can help you determine where you want to focus your marketing efforts.

1. Who do potential customers know – who you also know yourself?

That would be your network of professional contacts. They are a gateway to untold numbers of potential prospects. Plus, they already know and like you. This makes them the most powerful marketing tool in your arsenal.

An awesome personal network can help you land business for decades. I know this for a fact. Because mine has.

So when you first go solo, tell EVERYONE in your network. And then keep telling them. You never know who will recommend someone your way. They’re your greatest pipeline for new customers – period.
Time to break out of your far too cozy comfort zone and…

2. Where do your prospects hang out online?

Nowadays, people only have about 5 quadrillion places to visit on the web. But those in your target audience probably visit many of the same places. So you should determine what they are – and why.

Are they Instagram users – or Snap Chatters? Facebook – or LinkedIn? Twitter or Reddit? Or none of the above? Most target audiences have a distinct pattern.

3. Where do your prospects hang out offline?

Of course, this can be as varied as the online world. But knowing your targets’ real-world habits can give you new clues – and marketing opportunities.

If your target consists of consumers, do they go to malls, or beaches – or sporting events? If business pros, do they go to Meetups, trade shows, or conferences? Learn where these are. And then show up there yourself. Because if one of your prospects hangs out there, it is likely that more will, too. Remember…

4. Who are your prospects’ influencers?

Every target audience has specific individuals they love, respect and follow. One day, that could well be you! But for now, you’ll want to identify who these influencers are – and why they resonate with your tribe.

This will expand your knowledge of your audience. Their thought leaders could also become a great marketing or affiliate partners. The right influencer can work like magic.

5. What do your prospects read?

This is critically important – because it will tell you what publications resonate with your target. Showing you what they’re seeking to learn, as well as what are the hottest topics of the day in that vertical.

So discover them, read them – and subscribe to their lists. Remember, these publications will be perfect platforms for your ads, thought leadership pieces, guest blogs and other content.

6. What other media do your prospects consume?

This can cover everything from creaky, old-fashioned cable to YouTube, podcasts, Twitch – or any of the other options out there.

These will tell you even more about your audience – and give additional channels through which they can be reached.

7. What are your prospects searching for?

You already know what your audience is seeking in terms of products and solutions. But you should also know what they are literally typing in when it comes to search engine keywords.

There are a number of online tools that’ll help you determine this. They’ll give you intel you can then use on your web site – as well as in your marketing. So start searching yourself.

All of this may seem overwhelming. But it will actually reduce your workload in the long run. Because defining your tribe accurately will make it easier – and cheaper – to connect with them.

And if YOU are a prototypical member of your own target audience – then determine YOUR answers to these same questions.

Of course, you’re likely thinking, “Uh-hunh, yeah. Cool story, bro and all that. But even if I knew where they were, reaching my audience will cost millions of dollars I don’t have.” But you would be wrong.

For you can, in fact, land the exact clients you want for exactly zero dollars. And I know this because I wrote a post called “The Five Ways to Land The Exact Clients You Want – With a Budget of Exactly Zero Dollars.”

And after you’ve read it, it’ll be time to move on to the final simple step, that part where the proverbial rubber meets the metaphorical road. The part everyone just loves to talk about! Otherwise known as:

Your sales pitch.

Well, okay, so it’s the part everyone just loves to flee from in terror. But it’s an essential skill – one that with practice can become natural, effective, and gosh darn it, even fun.

No, seriously.

So buck up, scroll down – and learn how you can show your prospects exactly why it is in their best interest to choose your awesome solution over the competition.

Simple Step #5 – Create Your Sales Pitch

Now, if you’ve been picking up what I’ve been putting down, then you doubtless realize that your success will depend entirely on pleasing those wacky folks known as “your customers.”

You’ve figured out WHAT THE HELL you want to offer them, WHO THE HELL they are, and WHERE THE HELL you can find them out in the world.

Now you have to pull all of that together and figure out HOW IN THE HELL you can convince them to actually buy your offerings.

Now, I don’t mean to put any pressure on you. But this is, in fact, the single-most important aspect of your entire business. Because if you can’t convince people to part with their money, then your dream of self-employment will fail.

Oh and did I mention you’ll have to do this while overcoming the 5,000 competing brand messages consumers see on the daily? Leaving them with an average attention span of less than 8 seconds?? Which lower than that of a Goldfish???!!!

But don’t worry. Because you can totally nail this part, as well.

In fact, I’m going to show you exactly how to create a sales pitch that’ll punch through all that noise in a way that’ll actually make your overwhelmed, distracted, and categorically uninterested prospects sit up and take notice.

No it doesn’t have to be some crazy, late night, used car sales person type of hucksterism. But a solid, realistic plan for convincing the prospects who really do WANT and NEED your offerings to come to their senses and buy them.

Because the truth is…

And the secret to creating such an effective prospect sales pitch? Well, it’s actually quite simple: Make it all about them.

Because here’s a reminder of what every single prospect is telling you every single minute of every single day.

Exactly. So follow their advice.


If you’ve ever been to a live networking event, then you know every person you encounter will immediately ask “So…like – what do you do?” In fact, that’s what EVERY customer is asking whenever they encounter you for the first time.

But I’m here to tell you that’s not actually what they’re asking. Nope. Not at all.

What they’re actually asking is “What can YOU do for ME?

Ergo, you want to build a sales message that answers that question quickly and definitively. One that will usher prospects through all of their pre-qualification stages – while providing them with compelling reasons to buy.

Because every sale is a process – even if it is just buying a stick of gum at a checkout counter. Here’s are the four steps that’ll ensure your process gets your prospects all the way to that decision to buy.

Step 1 – Seize Their Attention with a Tantalizing Promise

Simply put, you must immediately proclaim that you WILL DELIVER the EXPLICIT RESULTS your prospects WANT MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE. Higher sales. Lower costs. A better body. A happier life. Or whatever they most desperately desire.

Read that again, people. And write it down. Because it is critical to understand. In short, your business is NOT actually the services you offer. It is the NET RESULTS you deliver.

Think about it. Nobody buys smart phones. Or cool clothes. Or fancy homes. Or anything else, for that matter. They buy the RESULTS those things deliver.

This is why the brightest, shiniest and most deeply desired RESULTS your business can deliver MUST be called out in ALL-CAPS right from the get-go. Front and center, up on a pedestal for all to see.

And you must capture your prospects’ attention from the start– or you will lose them forever. Because if they aren’t intrigued by what you can deliver for them, they won’t give a rat’s ass about how you can do it or why.

Sparking their interest is the first – and biggest – step in the process.

If you can capture that, then you can proceed to the second step, which is:

Step 2 – Describe Your Services Quickly and Clearly

If – and only if – you spark their interest, prospects will want to know more about HOW you will actually deliver. This must be conveyed as simply as possible. You want them to understand instantly – without having to think about it.

This will ensure the sales process continues to flow swiftly and smoothly. Remember, you only have 8 seconds. You definitely want them to ask questions – just not at this point. So be as straightforward as possible.

GET TO THE POINT. You have their attention, now don’t lose them. Because, otherwise…

Step #3 – Bond with Your Target Audience

State your specific experience as it relates to YOUR PROSPECTS’ BACKGROUNDS. This will assure them that you understand their unique circumstances – and increase their confidence that you can DELIVER THEIR RESULTS.

This will likely cause people outside your target audience to lose interest. Which is fine. You don’t want to waste their time – or yours. Focus totally on those within your niche – and ignore everyone else.

Step 4 – Close with an Irresistible Cliff-Hanger

Because getting the prospect to initiate the next step is everything. For the main goal of a sales pitch is, ironically, not actually to make sales. It is to turn a monologue – where you are the only one speaking – into a dialogue – where they begin to ask questions back.

The most effective sales processes are driven by customers themselves. And, like a shark, a sales conversion must always keep moving forward – or else it dies.

So you’ll want to add some sort of compelling twist that will prompt a intrigued follow-up. A provocative claim, an alluring factoid. You want to leave them hanging. All but forcing them to demand that you give them the answer.

And it’s pretty easy to determine if your sales pitch is working. If you deliver your pitch and a prospect begins asking follow-up questions, you have a winner.

On the contrary, if they just smile at you – and then turn around and walk away without another word – you have more work to do.

But if you can deliver the right message to the right customer at the right time…

Bonus Step Number Six! Kick Some Serious Ass.

Because that is exactly what you can – and will – do once you fully commit.

So you know what I think?

And if all of this sounds good – and you’re 100% ready to dive in, but…you just can’t seem to get going…then might I suggest you’re in need of a serious kick in the ass yourself.

And if you are, well then you are in luck. Because I just happen to have unlimited digital copies of my book “The Kick in the Ass You Need” available right now.

And you can purchase your copy by simply clicking on this link.

And if you have any questions, comments, critiques or refutations, feel free to leave a comment below – or contact me at

Good luck on your entrepreneurial quest. You’ve come this far. And you only have one life. So what the hell? Why not take your shot at creating the life you’ve been dreaming of?

And tell the world: